About us
The Saddle River Valley Residents Club is a social club for Saddle River and Upper Saddle River. Whether you are new to town or a longtime resident, you will meet and create friendships by attending events during the day and in the evening. The Season starts on July 1st thru June 30th. Our club has many fun social events planned.
Club history
The Saddle River Valley Residents Club was founded in 1970. Originally called the Saddle River Valley Newcomers Club. The purpose of this social club is to help new and existing Saddle River and Upper Saddle River residents to become socially acquainted. There are several chapters within the Club. For example: International Group/Out-to-Lunch, Coffee Socials, Sociable Suppers, Health and Wellness, Dinner & a Movie, Men's Club, newly formed Ladies Club and Arts & Culture chapters. The Club hosts special events and theme parties. All Members are encouraged to participate in any Club activity. The Club is open to all residents of the two communities and friends of a sponsoring member of other local towns.